Vážení, dovolujeme si zveřejnit pozvánku na akci “The 2nd Global 5G Event – Enabling the 5G EcoSphere” distribuovanou prostřednictvím platformy NetWorld2020.
We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2nd Global 5G Event is now open.
The event will offer participants both lively debates around spectrum, standards and deployment of 5G as well as exciting demonstrations on the latest 5G technology developments. The event will, in particular, cover the main results of European 5G-PPP projects. The draft agenda is available to review here: 2nd Global 5G Event website. This event is jointly organised by the:
With support from the European Commission. An early bird registration fee of 150.00 Euro is available until the 7th October. From 8th October the registration fee will be 250.00 Euro. |
Register now here We are pleased to welcome you to this event. The 5G Infrastructure Association
Please Share this announcement with your 5G projects & colleagues. |
Pro více informací můžete kontaktovat zástupce CTIT, Ing. Jiřího Fuchse, T: +420 734 622 331, @:jiri.fuchs@ctit.cz nebo Dr. Wernera Mohra, Head of Research Alliances – CIOO Bell Labs CTO TAVSS – Standardization, T: +49-171-3340 788, @: werner.mohr@nokia.com.
Ing. Michal Dufek