You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
For more information please see the czech version of the article.
Title Date City Web IOT WEEK 2018 4. 6. – 7. 6. 2018 Bilbao https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-week-2018/ GIoTS 2018 4. 6. – 7. 6. 2018 Bilbao https://www.iotevents.org/event/giots-2018/ IoT, Industrial Autonomous Vehicles Summit 5. 6. – 6. 6. 2018 San Diego https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-industrial-autonomous-vehicles-summit/ Read More …
For more information please see the czech version of the article.
More information is available in czech version of the article.
The NetWorld2020 Expert Advisory Group has drafted a White Paper to propose a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the period 2021-27, titled “Smart Networks in the context of NGI”. The draft is available on the NetWorld2020 web for download: Read More …