Vážení členové, kolegové. Asociace pro komunikační nástroje a IoT v rámci činnosti v evropské technologické platformě NetWorld2020 obdržela následující nabídku. Vzhledem k finanční náročnosti je stanovisko VV “neúčast platformy CTIT”, nicméně pro případné otevření hlasování vás laskavě žádáme o stanovisko k případné účasti CTIT platformy. V případě, že bude mít o účast přímo vaše společnost/organizace, CTIT ráda zprostředkuje potřebné náležitosti.
Za VV, Ing. Jiří Fuchs, jiri.fuchs@ctit.cz.
“Dear NetWorld2020 Industry Members,
On 9 and 10 November 2016, the “2nd Global 5G Event” will take place in Rome. 5G PPP is hosting the event, which is jointly organised by five leading regional associations worldwide: 5G Americas, 5G Forum, 5G Mobile Forum, IMT-2020 PG and the 5G Infrastructure Association..
Preparation is ongoing for an event which promises to be an important milestone in the road to 5G. In order to disseminate and demonstrate advanced solutions, there will be an exhibition area with booths for Industry/Operators, 5G projects and the Signatories of the Multi-lateral MoU.
The fee of the booth for Industry/Operators will be in the range of 4,000-5,000 €, and will include two complimentary entrances. For additional information on the event, please refer to the following webpage https://5g-ppp.eu/2nd-global-5g-event/ that will be constantly updated as additional information becomes available (e.g. size of the booths, exact cost, programme of the event). The following press release about the 1st Global Event held in Beijing might also provide you with additional relevant information https://5g-ppp.eu/leading-5g-wireless-associations-discuss-future-roadmap-at-the-first-global-5g-event-in-beijing-china/
By this email, I kindly ask NetWorld2020 Industry Members to inform me about their interest in having a booth at the event and the theme of their booth in order to proceed with the selection process and all practical arrangements. Please let me know by July 26 at the latest.
We will do our best to satisfy your requests, although no guarantees can be given upfront; it will depend on the number of requests we receive and the selection process.
Requests will be satisfied until capacity of the exhibition area is met.
We look forward to meeting you in Rome!
I am available for any clarification you might need.
Thank you and best regards,
Alessandro Bedeschi
Head of Office
AA Toren, Technologiepark 19
9052 Zwijnaarde – Belgium
Mobile: +32-473-382851
E-Mail: alessandro.bedeschi@5g-ppp.eu