Title Date City Web IoT Invest, Talis Capital 2. 3. 2018 London https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-invest-talis-capital/ How IoT-enabled smart retail solution is transforming the shopping experiences 7. 3. 2018 online https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-enabled-smart-retail-solution-transforming-shopping-experiences/ Let’s combine the force of Artificial Intelligence with IoT 14. 3. Read More …
Specific IT education
You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
IoT & AI FORUM 2018 Conference
You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
IoT & AI FORUM 2018 Conference Invitation
We would like to invite you to the second conference, which takes place under the auspices of the Technology Platform for Communication Tools and Internet Things. IoT & AI FORUM 2018 will be held on 28 February 2018 at the Read More …
Invitation- General Assembly of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s.
I would like to invite you to the General Assembly of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s., which wil take place in Brno on 28.th February 2018. You can find more information in the Czech Read More …
Invitation – Executive Committee
We would like to invite you to the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
Python course
An additional course organized by our Association will be launched in January, a Python programming language that was announced as the best language to be learned in 2018 by Linux And Ubuntu. 🙂 The course will take place in the Read More …
Invitation – Executive Committee
We would like to invite you to the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
Our members are preparing projects for SME Instrument – The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
Jednou z činností Technologické platformy CTIT je odborná podpora, kterou poskytuje svým členům při přípravě VaV projektů a směřování technologického rozvoje v ČR v dynamicky se rozvíjejících oborech komunikačních nástrojů a Internet od Things. Aktuálně naši členové za podpory projektového týmu Technologické platformy Read More …
Executive Committee of The Technology Platform for Communication Tools and IoT took place in Brno on 15th December
Dne 15. 12. 2017 se v Brně uskutečnilo zasedání Výkonného výboru Technologické platformy pro komunikační nástroje a internet věcí. Členové Výkonného výboru zhodnotili dosavadní fungování a činnost platformy, aktivity členské základny a rovněž stanovili cíle rozvoje platformy pro následující rok 2018.