We would like to introduce the 1st conceptual version of the Technology foresight CTIT. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
Invitation – Executive Committee 15.12.2017
I would like to invite you to the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
Meeting of the European Technology Platform NetWorld2020
The NetWorld 2020 European Technology Platform is preparing a membership meeting to be held on 25 October 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. The event will take place at the Instituto Universitário des Lisboa. You can find more information in the Czech version Read More …
The first CTIT conference took place
On Tuesday 29 August 2017, a conference called “IoT and FinTech Forum – the current trends and the impact of IoT in financial services” took place in Brno. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
Invitation – Executive Committee 29.8.2017
I would like to invite you to the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association for Communication Tools and the Internet of Things, z.s. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
(Česky) Pozvánka – Členská schůze 29.8.2017
Sorry, this entry is only available in Czech.
Free education for members
As part of the CTIT Education Project, we offer free education for our members. You can find more information in the Czech version of the article.
IoT and FinTech Forum – current IoT trends and impact in the field of financial services
On behalf of the Technology Platform for Communication Tools and IoT (CTIT), we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the conference entitled “IoT and FinTech Forum – current IoT trends and impacts in the field of Read More …
(Česky) Letní fintech konference
Sorry, this entry is only available in Czech.
(Česky) Seminář Alternativní financování podniků
Sorry, this entry is only available in Czech.