Czech FinTech organizations

In this section, you can find a list of Czech companies and organizations that are active in FinTech along with some key facts about them. You can further drill down into the list by clicking one of the categories to only see companies from that category.

Is your company active in FinTech and is not present in our list or the information is outdated? Contact us please and we will be glad to add it.

Are you curious what are the present trends in these areas mentioned below and the ones that are yet to come? Visit our other page with illustrations and strategic tables to learn more.


Asociace pro komunikační nástroje a internet věcí, z.s. (zpracovatel FinTech Roadmap)
CzechCrunch s.r.o.
Česká fintech asociace, z.s.
Česká národní banka
ČKMA, z. s.
FinTech Cowboys
Masarykova univerzita v Brně
Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Vysoké učení technické v Brně