5G PPP Initiative launched Phase 3 at the EuCNC conference in Ljubljana, announcing three new projects that will come on stream from 1 July, 2018. The projects represent an investment by the European Commission of more
than 50 million Euros plus a commitment by the ICT industry of several times that amount.
About the 5G PPP projects kicking off on 1 July are: 5G EVE: the aspiration of 5G-EVE is to create the foundations for a pervasive roll-out of end-to-end 5G networks in Europe. 5G-EVE supports this fundamental transition by offering to vertical industries and to all 5G PPP Phase 3 projects facilities to validate their network KPIs and their services.
5G-VINNI: 5G-VINNI will accelerate the uptake of 5G in Europe by providing an end-toend (E2E) facility that validates the performance of new 5G technologies by operating trials of advanced vertical sector services.
5GENESIS: The “Genesis of 5G” has entered the crucial phase of experimentation, working to validate the 5G network KPIs and verify the 5G technologies with an end-to-end approach. Towards this objective, a key challenge is to integrate all the highly diverse results and technologies from EU, global as well as internal (corporate) R&D projects, to “glue together” the 5G picture and unveil the potential of a truly full-stack, end-to-end 5G platform.
Phase 1 performed fundamental research for the fifth generation of network communications, while Phase 2 used those technologies for the digitisation and integration of vertical industries in Europe. Phase 3, which is just starting now, will address the development and rollout of a 5G platform across Europe.