Within one Saturday afternoon, our speakers will showcase insights into the world of NFTs from legal, technological, and art perspectives and will be available to answer any questions you might have. The event includes presentations and lectures in both Czech (CS) and English (EN), providing the greatest possible international reach for the progressive NFT community.
- Introduction with Michaela Malatín (Girls in the Crypt) and Jan Zibner (Artiffine)
- Legal section
- Legal basics for NFT enthusiasts or Do you know what you own? – Speakers: Jan Zibner (Artiffine) and Lucie Smolka (Open Content)
- Discussion with Andrés Guadamuz and James Grimmelmann
- Technology section
- Metadata & IPFS: A content sharing file-system (EN) –speakers: Athila Rodrigues Souza Marchiori de Mattos (Red Hat) a Sam Gittis (NFT Gallery)
- How to create an NFT collection? – Speakers: Martin Půlpán (Artiffine) and Vojtěch Rychnovský (Artiffine)
- Art section
- NFTs as a new artistic genre (EN) – speaker: Viktor Mejzlík (Art Basel)
- How NFT brings culture and diversity into our lives – speaker: John Karp (NFT Factory)
- Panel discussionProgramme schedule:
Date & time:
14:00 PM
Tickets available here