Through the ETP NetWorld2020 we would like to inform you about interesting opportunities regarding Deutsche Telekom’s investment in SMBs and start-ups with a real customer base. DT is interested in the following areas:
Selection criteria:
• Investment theme: 5G-consumer focused immersive media startups (B2C)
• Industry focus areas:
1. Mixed Reality: AR/XR/Holograms
2. eSports; in-venue entertainment/ events
3. Mobile Gaming (AR & Multiplayer) / Shooting games – no red blood
4. Video, Music 5. AOB: Translation/ Education / Health
• “Works even better with 5G”
• Mass market appeal
• Focus on European/US startups+ Asia
o Develop MVP or products on actual 5G/Edge infrastructure during the accelerator phase o Be ready to serve for marketing & commercial purposes for Deutsche Telekom in Germany within 3-6 months after the accelerator phase.
• Seed/Early stage startups
• Traction: early stage opportunities with initial traction shown by POC/MVP (1st customers with end2end CX)
• 5G Commercial and 5G/ Edge technical relevance (more bandwidth, lower latency scenarios/ high compute) (LTE ok if it helps telling the story but not in core focus)
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. The “Call” is valid until 9.12.2019.