Title | Date | City | Web |
IoT Invest, Talis Capital | 2. 3. 2018 | London | https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-invest-talis-capital/
How IoT-enabled smart retail solution is transforming the shopping experiences | 7. 3. 2018 | online | https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-enabled-smart-retail-solution-transforming-shopping-experiences/ |
Let’s combine the force of Artificial Intelligence with IoT | 14. 3. 2018 | Plano | https://www.iotevents.org/event/lets-combine-force-artificial-intelligence-iot/ |
Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2018 | 20. 3. – 22. 3. 2018 | Yangon | https://www.iotevents.org/event/myanmar-infrastructure-summit-2018/ |
IoT Asia 2018 | 21. 3. – 22. 3. 2018 | Singapore | https://www.iotevents.org/event/iot-asia-2018/ |
Living in the Internet of Things and Cyber Security | 28. 3. – 29. 3. 2018 | London | https://www.iotevents.org/event/living-internet-things-cyber-security/ |
Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT – A PETRAS, IoTUK & IET Event | 28. 3. – 29. 3. 2018 | London | https://www.iotevents.org/event/living-internet-things-cybersecurity-iot-petras-iotuk-iet-event/ |
Rise London Hosts Let’s Talk About IoT | 29. 3. 2018 | London | https://www.iotevents.org/event/rise-london-hosts-lets-talk-iot/ |
International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies | 30. 3. – 31. 3. 2018 | Orlando | https://www.iotevents.org/event/international-summit-conventional-sustainable-energies-2/ |